The recently uploaded tutorial on using DigitalGlobe's online imagery delivery platform with MapViewer
( discuss the MVCustomMapTileLayer interafce for accessing 3rd party tile providers. This post consists of sample code showing how it can be used with OSM tiles from {tiles|tah}
The sample html code is listed below.
<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html" charset=UTF-8">
<TITLE>OpenStreetMap as external tile layer</TITLE>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/mapviewer/fsmc/tutorial/t.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />
<!-- Change to your mapviewer instance e.g. localhost:8888/mapviewer/fsmc/jslib/oraclemaps.js
<script language="Javascript" src="http://localhost:8888/mapviewer/fsmc/jslib/oraclemaps.js"></script>
<script language="Javascript" src=""></script>
<script language=javascript>
// set up a map tile configuration so MapViewer knows the tiling scheme, i.e.
// the number of zoom levels (20), tile size (256x256)
// the tile width & height in real world coordinates at each zoom level
// the coordinate system (Spherical Mercator EPSG:3785), and
// tile image file format (PNG)
var mapConfig=
// create a custom map tile layer based on the above tile configuration
// the second argument is a function that implements the getTileURL
// interface for this particular map tile service
var osmBasemap = new MVCustomMapTileLayer(mapConfig, getOSMMapTileURL);
<!-- Change to your mapviewer instance e.g. localhost:8888/mapviewer/fsmc/jslib/oraclemaps.js
var baseURL = "http://localhost:8888/mapviewer" ;
var baseURL = "" ;
var mapview;
var oraTheme = null ;
var oraTileLayer = null;
function showMap()
mapview = new MVMapView(document.getElementById("map"), baseURL);
// near london -36793, 6679715 in SRID 3785
var mpoint = MVSdoGeometry.createPoint(-36793.89, 6679715.42, 3785); // near london 0.1,51.5,8307
mapview.addNavigationPanel() ;
function showMapTileLayer(layerName)
mapview.removeMapTileLayer(osmBasemap) ;
eval("mapview.addMapTileLayer("+layerName+"Basemap)") ;
function getOSMMapTileURL(tx, ty, tw, th, level)
var x = (tx-mapConfig.coordSys.minX)/mapConfig.zoomLevels[level].tileWidth ;
// Mapviewer's tile The tile numbering scheme, or mesh codes, for Oracle Maps’
// (see Section 8.2 of the MapViewer User Guide for more details) tiles is similar
// to that for Google Maps. There only difference is that the Y origin is
// at the lower left rather than the upper left, as is the case for Google tiles
var y = (mapConfig.coordSys.maxY-ty)/mapConfig.zoomLevels[level].tileHeight-1 ;
// use mapnik rendered tiles
//return ""+(level)+"/"+x+"/"+y+".png";
// use osmarender instead
return ""+(level)+"/"+x+"/"+y+".png";
<body onload="javascript:showMap()">
<h3>Oracle Maps example - Custom map tile layer</h3>
This sample shows how the Oracle Maps GetMapTileURL interface could be used to display OSM map tiles.
It implements code samples and technical details described on OSM sample code pages.
This code is purely a sample explaining how to use the GetMapTileURL interface.<br>
<div id="map" style="width:800px;height:600px"></div>
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